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MODELS / Master Aaron

Avg Rating: 4.8

Master Aaron Vital Stats:
Cock Size:  19 cm
Role:  Dominant
Date of birth:  14 September 1994
Height:  1,80
Nationality:  British

Master Aaron is the most kind and loving person you’ll ever meet. However, don’t try your luck too much with him or you may end up being whipped. Having said that he comes up with some of the most cruel and hottest torments you’ll come across.
Master Aaron Updates

DVD: Time For Lust Agus Piney , Caruso Rainbow
150 Photos, 90 min of video
Tickle, spank, suck, cum! Master Aaron , Oli Smith
12 Photos, 11 min of video
Ejaculating cum out of every hole! Master Aaron , Oli Smith
9 Photos, 7 min of video
Daddy gets horny reading The Bible and uses his twink! Master Aaron , Oli Smith
9 Photos, 9 min of video
Ass full of cum and piss! Axel Rubberax , Master Aaron
12 Photos, 9 min of video
Master Aaron is back with some torment for Axel Rubberax! Axel Rubberax , Master Aaron
12 Photos, 10 min of video
Wax on my chastity! Axel Rubberax , Master Aaron
12 Photos, 11 min of video
Wrecked Innocence Angel Black , Axel Rubberax
104 min of video
Captured Boys Denis Skala , Liam Butler
115 min of video
Jared & Pierre endure a hard beating from Master Aaron Axel Rubberax , Jarred Bornet
16 Photos, 14 min of video
Master Aaron uses and fucks hard his two slaves! Axel Rubberax , Jarred Bornet
22 Photos, 36 min of video
Rubber slave gets sounded by Master Aaron! Master Aaron , Sparkle
11 Photos, 25 min of video
Halloween Horror Pt.2 Galiel Swan , Master Aaron
11 Photos, 26 min of video
Halloween Horror Part 1 Galiel Swan , Master Aaron
14 Photos, 23 min of video
Dutch rubber slut gets used by hard English Master Aaron Master Aaron , Sparkle
16 Photos, 20 min of video
Incarcerated Twinks Pt.2 Axel Rubberax , Master Aaron
34 Photos, 21 min of video
Incarcerated Twinks Pt.1 Axel Rubberax , Master Aaron
27 Photos, 20 min of video
Pissed Fuckers Aaron Twink , Alex Roman
108 min of video
Obedience Axel Rubberax , Daniel Karrington
107 min of video
Obedience Sc.1 Pt.2 Axel Rubberax , Master Aaron
17 Photos, 19 min of video
Obedience Sc.1 Pt.1 Axel Rubberax , Master Aaron
15 Photos, 15 min of video
Breaking Clyde, Sc.1 Pt.2 Clyde Walton , Master Aaron
16 Photos, 14 min of video
Breaking Clyde Sc.1 Pt.1 Clyde Walton , Master Aaron
16 Photos, 20 min of video
Dungeon Bound - Part 2 James Oakleigh , Master Aaron
15 Photos, 29 min of video
Piss Soaked Russian Cumslut Alexis Clark , Casper Ellis
9 Photos, 29 min of video
Teen Slave Initiation - Part 2 Adam Power , Master Aaron
15 Photos, 15 min of video
Dungeon Bound - Part 1 James Oakleigh , Master Aaron
15 Photos, 25 min of video
Teen Slave Initiation - Part 1 Adam Power , Master Aaron
15 Photos, 32 min of video
Wrapped Tied Meat - Part 2 Jasper Rhodes , Master Aaron
15 Photos, 16 min of video
Electrified Agony - Part 2 Casper Ellis , Master Aaron
12 Photos, 23 min of video
Wrapped Tied Meat - Part 1 Jasper Rhodes , Master Aaron
16 Photos, 30 min of video
Electrified Agony - Part 1 Casper Ellis , Master Aaron
16 Photos, 34 min of video
Eager slave
I would love to be masters slave for his use