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MODELS / Aaron Twink

Avg Rating: 4.8

Aaron Twink Vital Stats:
Cock Size:  17 cm
Role:  Sub
Date of birth:  17 June 1995
Height:  173 cm
Nationality:  Spanish

We're not exactly sure what his conservative parents would say if ever they realised what their son was really like, but Aaron quite literally hasn't got so much as a shred of shame when it comes to performing in front of the camera. Which is strange, because when you meet him in "normal" life he just seems to be a totally down-to-earth, ordinary kid. Believe us when we say, however, that there's nothing ordinary about a lad who lives to be fucked by as many men as possible, and who isn't happy unless he's covered in hot, sticky jizz!
Aaron Twink Updates

Pissed Fuckers Aaron Twink , Alex Roman
108 min of video
Piss Slut - Scene 2 Aaron Twink , Izan Loren
10 Photos, 21 min of video
Piss Slut - Scene 1 Aaron Twink , Mike Cole
10 Photos, 26 min of video