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MODELS / James Oakleigh

Avg Rating: 4.8

James Oakleigh Vital Stats:
Cock Size:  6.5"
Role:  Sub
Date of birth:  19 March 1992
Height:  5'8" 172 cm
Nationality:  English

By day, James Oakleigh is your ordinary white van man - the kind of fellow who comes to your house and fixes your electrics with a charming smile. When he's not being an electrician, however, this young guy loves to explore his dirtiest, wildest fantasies, which basically involve him being a complete and utter slut for the sexual satisfaction of other men. Fortunately for him, we are more than capable of bringing those perverse thoughts to life; though this handsome buddy admits that when it comes to sex he can never be satisfied!
James Oakleigh Updates

Fisting Wrecked Holes James Oakleigh , Jordan Fit
124 min of video
Dungeon Bound - Part 2 James Oakleigh , Master Aaron
15 Photos, 29 min of video
Fisted Rubber Gimp - Part 2 Dominique Kenique , James Oakleigh
15 Photos, 29 min of video
Dungeon Bound - Part 1 James Oakleigh , Master Aaron
15 Photos, 25 min of video
Fisted Rubber Gimp - Part 1 Dominique Kenique , James Oakleigh
15 Photos, 36 min of video
Opened And used - Scene 3 AJ Alexander , David Luca
17 Photos, 22 min of video
Opened And Used - Scene 2 AJ Alexander , David Luca
16 Photos, 13 min of video
Opened And Used - Scene 1 AJ Alexander , David Luca
15 Photos, 36 min of video
One Cute Twink - Scene 2 James Oakleigh , Jordan Fit
13 Photos, 31 min of video
One Cute Twink - Scene 1 James Oakleigh , Jordan Fit
17 Photos, 25 min of video