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MODELS / AJ Alexander

Avg Rating: 4.2

AJ Alexander Vital Stats:
Cock Size:  8" / 22cm
Role:  Dominant
Date of birth:  27 February 1982
Height:  180 cm
Nationality:  English

If there's one thing about AJ Alexander it's that he always knows his own mind. In fact, he's only really happy when he's dominating the room - be it at work, in a social setting, or (as we discovered when we first found him) when he's strutting his arrogant stuff in his very own dungeon in London. What's more, this guy is genuinely loved and adored by his legion of young subs; and in the process of training these horny pervs has becomes very experienced in BDSM and the whole fetish scene. In short, a natural-born master!
AJ Alexander Updates

Aj's Destruction AJ Alexander , David Swanson
110 min of video
AJ's Destruction Sc. 2 Pt.2 AJ Alexander , David Swanson
12 Photos, 22 min of video
AJ's Destruction Sc. 2 Pt.1 AJ Alexander , David Swanson
15 Photos, 31 min of video
AJ's Destruction Sc.1 Pt.2 AJ Alexander , Yoshi Kawasaki
15 Photos, 26 min of video
AJ's Destruction Sc.1 Pt.1 AJ Alexander , Yoshi Kawasaki
15 Photos, 30 min of video
The Beginner - Part 2 AJ Alexander , Jasper Rhodes
14 Photos, 24 min of video
Russian Anal Whore - Part 2 AJ Alexander , Kasper Hauser
15 Photos, 28 min of video
The Beginner - Part 1 AJ Alexander , Jasper Rhodes
16 Photos, 53 min of video
Russian Anal Whore - Part 1 AJ Alexander , Kasper Hauser
16 Photos, 37 min of video
Opened And used - Scene 3 AJ Alexander , David Luca
17 Photos, 22 min of video
Opened And Used - Scene 2 AJ Alexander , David Luca
16 Photos, 13 min of video
Opened And Used - Scene 1 AJ Alexander , David Luca
15 Photos, 36 min of video