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MODELS / Jasper Rhodes

Avg Rating: 4.8

Jasper Rhodes Vital Stats:
Cock Size:  7" / 18 cm
Role:  Submissive
Date of birth:  22 November 1996
Height:  5'8" 172 cm
Nationality:  British

Jasper is a happy-go-lucky lad, who doesn’t appear to have a care in the world. So much so, he didn't even care to ask what we had in store for him before arriving to the shoot! This young lad is a good bottom and a good slave!
Jasper Rhodes Updates

Pissed Fuckers Aaron Twink , Alex Roman
108 min of video
The Beginner - Part 2 AJ Alexander , Jasper Rhodes
14 Photos, 24 min of video
The Beginner - Part 1 AJ Alexander , Jasper Rhodes
16 Photos, 53 min of video
Wrapped Tied Meat - Part 2 Jasper Rhodes , Master Aaron
15 Photos, 16 min of video
Wrapped Tied Meat - Part 1 Jasper Rhodes , Master Aaron
16 Photos, 30 min of video