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MODELS / Dominique Kenique

Avg Rating: 4.6

Dominique Kenique Vital Stats:
Cock Size:  18cm / 8"
Role:  Dominant
Date of birth:  10 / 01 /1971
Height:  170cm / 5' 11"
Nationality:  Spanish

Some guys are born to be passive. Others, like Dominique Kenique, always want to be the master of any sexual situation. Needless to say, this very Spanish Daddy likes to have lots of fun with young, inexperienced twinks - teaching them how sex should be done to enjoy it to the full. When he's not appearing in front of the camera, you can be sure as fuck that he's out and about in the clubs and bars of Barcelona looking for any sexy, cute twink that needs a master. And believe us, he's never short of any willing volunteers!
Dominique Kenique Updates

Pissed Fuckers Aaron Twink , Alex Roman
108 min of video
Hell Sperm Expiation - Part 2 Adam Power , Alexis Clark
14 Photos, 26 min of video
Kinky Anal Sports - Part 2 Adam Power , Dominique Kenique
15 Photos, 29 min of video
Hell Sperm Expiation - Part 1 Adam Power , Alexis Clark
15 Photos, 25 min of video
Fisted Rubber Gimp - Part 2 Dominique Kenique , James Oakleigh
15 Photos, 29 min of video
Kinky Anal Sports - Part 1 Adam Power , Dominique Kenique
32 Photos, 34 min of video
Fisted Rubber Gimp - Part 1 Dominique Kenique , James Oakleigh
15 Photos, 36 min of video
Sweaty Cum Sluts - Scene 3 David Sky , Dominique Kenique
15 Photos, 25 min of video
Sucker! Fucker! - Scene 4 Dominique Kenique , Taylor Blaze
14 Photos, 15 min of video
Twink Fist - Scene 3 Alex Roman , Alexis Clark
10 Photos, 11 min of video
Twink Fist - Scene 2 Alex Roman , Alexis Clark
15 Photos, 19 min of video
Twink Fist - Scene 1 Alex Roman , Alexis Clark
15 Photos, 32 min of video
Sucker! Fucker! - Scene 2 Dominique Kenique , Taylor Blaze
18 Photos, 23 min of video