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MODELS / Puppy Davey

Avg Rating: 5.0

Puppy Davey Vital Stats:
Role:  Submissive
Cock Size:  17cm/6.6"
Date of birth:  May 1999
Height:  174cm / 5'7"
Nationality:  .

This boy is a self-confessed lover of anything that involves losing control, having said this, this boy is a lover also of all things mighty, so don't let it surprise you when you see him naked on the street with his hole wide open!
Puppy Davey Updates

DVD: Filthy Sex Story Alejandro Escudero , Angel Black
150 Photos, 94 min of video
DVD: Come At My Home, Bitch! Ares Reiv , Izan Loren
150 Photos, 100 min of video
Sounding the puppy's cock! Izan Loren , Puppy Davey
10 Photos, 11 min of video
Master humiliates his big-holed puppy Izan Loren , Puppy Davey
12 Photos, 22 min of video
Christmas Cream 2: Ass Ho-ho-hole! Alejandro Escudero , Puppy Davey
9 Photos, 13 min of video
Christmas Cream: Santa's Magical Cock Alejandro Escudero , Puppy Davey
14 Photos, 16 min of video
Twink slaves beg for more! Andrea High , Axel Rubberax
111 min of video
Use me master DVD Andrea High , Axel Rubberax
112 min of video
Davey gets his hole pounded by the power tool! Erik Devil , Puppy Davey
16 Photos, 17 min of video
Davey gets a hard pounding by his coworker Erik Devil , Puppy Davey
13 Photos, 15 min of video
Davey gets fisted and wrecked by his French Master Axel Rubberax , Puppy Davey
12 Photos, 39 min of video
Davey gets a rough face-fuck from his Master Axel Rubberax , Puppy Davey
14 Photos, 19 min of video
Milked in Rope Denis Skala , Liam Butler
133 min of video
EXTRA: Pup Davey Interview Puppy Davey
19 min of video
Milked in Rope Sc.2 Pt.2 Denis Skala , Puppy Davey
20 Photos, 20 min of video
Milked in Rope Sc.2 Pt.1 Denis Skala , Puppy Davey
20 Photos, 20 min of video
Milked in Rope Sc.1 Pt.2 Puppy Davey , The Puppeteer
22 Photos, 34 min of video
Suspended Sc.1 Pt.2 Liam Butler , Puppy Davey
20 Photos, 19 min of video
Suspended Sc.1 Pt.1 Puppy Davey , The Puppeteer
13 Photos, 21 min of video
Perverted Summer House Sc.5 Pt.2 Puppy Davey , Ron Negba
15 Photos, 15 min of video
Perverted Summer House Sc.5 Pt.1 Puppy Davey , Ron Negba
15 Photos, 19 min of video
Perverted Summer House Sc.4 Pt.2 Puppy Davey , Silas Rise
15 Photos, 24 min of video
Perverted Summer House Sc.4 Pt.1 Puppy Davey , Silas Rise
15 Photos, 17 min of video