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MODELS / Andrea High

Avg Rating: 4.8

Andrea High Vital Stats:
Role:  Submissive
Cock Size:  17
Date of birth:  2000
Height:  170cm
Nationality:  France

Andrea High loves ropes! Do you like blonde twinks? This one looks perfect to kidnap on bondage and play with till you're done with!
Andrea High Updates

Twink slaves beg for more! Andrea High , Axel Rubberax
111 min of video
Use me master DVD Andrea High , Axel Rubberax
112 min of video
Andrea gets the pinwheel treatment Andrea High , Axel Rubberax
5 Photos, 18 min of video
Pierre fucks all of Andrea's holes, and gives him a hot facial Andrea High , Axel Rubberax
11 Photos, 18 min of video
Andrea's restrained, whipped, and receives CBT from Erik Andrea High , Erik Devil
12 Photos, 15 min of video
Andrea's first time tied up in shibari gets bred by Erik Andrea High , Erik Devil
15 Photos, 37 min of video