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MODELS / Trent

Avg Rating: 4.9

Trent Vital Stats:
Role:  Submissive
Cock Size:  19 cm
Date of birth:  November 2002
Height:  187 cm
Nationality:  English

Trent has been with us for a while! He lets everything to be done to him! Don't be fooled by his shy and quiet look! If you had a night with this submissive boy, sure you would go through an adventure! His favorite kink is being pissed!
Trent Updates

DVD: A Willing Twink Alfonso Osnaya , David Cameron
150 Photos, 105 min of video
DVD: Desperate For The Devil's Cock Erik Devil , Joaquin Santana
150 Photos, 98 min of video
Voyeurism and sex in the jacuzzi! Alfonso Osnaya , Angel Black
14 Photos, 11 min of video
Blow me and choke me! Alfonso Osnaya , Angel Black
12 Photos, 10 min of video
Kitchen Bondage Hoes Alfonso Osnaya , Trent
12 Photos, 9 min of video
Cooking With Flavor 6: Chocolate Slut! Scott Miller , Trent
12 Photos, 9 min of video
DVD: Izan's Cum Dumps Izan Loren , Jhonny Montero
150 Photos, 104 min of video
Hot twink turned into kinky fuck toy Alfonso Osnaya , Trent
150 Photos, 15 min of video
Cooking With Flavor 5: Bananas & Sausages! Scott Miller , Trent
12 Photos, 10 min of video
Cooking With Flavor 4: Hanging British Meat Scott Miller , Trent
12 Photos, 14 min of video
Squezze the cum out of those balls! Greg Tuocarofit , Trent
12 Photos, 9 min of video
Warm up my ass and fuck me! Greg Tuocarofit , Trent
10 Photos, 11 min of video
Test my blowjob skills, muscle master! Greg Tuocarofit , Trent
9 Photos, 13 min of video
Trent shoots his cum out to Scott's naughty torment! Scott Miller , Trent
11 Photos, 14 min of video
Scott Miller & Trent ...and lemonade! Scott Miller , Trent
13 Photos, 21 min of video
Trent's balls stretched to the limit! Erik Devil , Trent
24 Photos, 16 min of video
Spit-roasting Trent! Erik Devil , Trent
21 Photos, 20 min of video
Milked on the fuck machine! Izan Loren , Trent
16 Photos, 18 min of video
Izan wrecks Trent’s tight hole Izan Loren , Trent
15 Photos, 19 min of video
Bound boy Trent, gets his cock milked whilst tormented Leo Marco , Trent
13 Photos, 11 min of video
Leo breaks then pisses on the newbie Leo Marco , Trent
13 Photos, 19 min of video