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MODELS / Joaquin Santana

Avg Rating: 5.0

Joaquin Santana Vital Stats:
Cock Size:  19cm
Role:  Submissive
Date of birth:  23/10/1991
Height:  175
Nationality:  Colombia

Joaquin Santana is a name you probably heard about! And how wouldn't you? You really like his athletic body, don't you? And if you are into latin boys, you'll like those perfect lips and those sexy eyes. You know that he's thinking that he's about to make all your fantasies come true!
Joaquin Santana Updates

DVD: Desperate For The Devil's Cock Erik Devil , Joaquin Santana
150 Photos, 98 min of video
DVD: Dungeon, Sweet Dungeon Alejandro Escudero , Ares Reiv
150 Photos, 97 min of video
Vibrations on my dick and dildos on my ass made me cum so hard! Erik Devil , Joaquin Santana
12 Photos, 14 min of video
My body to the Devil! Trap me, tie me, fuck me! Erik Devil , Joaquin Santana
10 Photos, 19 min of video
Shibari & BDSM session with Joaquin Santana & Ares Dior: Sc.2 Ares Reiv , Joaquin Santana
12 Photos, 15 min of video
Shibari & BDSM session with Joaquin Santana & Ares Dior Ares Reiv , Joaquin Santana
14 Photos, 22 min of video