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MODELS / Maksym

Avg Rating: 5.0

Maksym Vital Stats:
Cock Size:  16cm
Role:  Submissive
Date of birth:  25/03/1996
Height:  174
Nationality:  Ucranian

Get ready with Maksym to enjoy a slut to the "maksymum"! If you like beauties from eastern europe, you're in the right place then! Sodomization and chains are some of his favorites!
Maksym Updates

DVD: Leo's Used Twinks Alex Emilion , Axel Rubberax
89 min of video
DVD: Anal Slaves Bosco Soto , Craig Kennedy
94 min of video
Maksym gets oiled up on the gyno chair, where he'll finally release his load Leo Marco , Maksym
16 Photos, 13 min of video
Maksym gets his throat stuffed by Italian cock! Leo Marco , Maksym
12 Photos, 19 min of video
Maksym gets toyed with before final release! Izan Loren , Maksym
17 Photos, 13 min of video
Izan's boy first gets the dildo, then the real deal Izan Loren , Maksym
18 Photos, 20 min of video