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MODELS / Bosco Soto

Avg Rating: 4.5

Bosco Soto Vital Stats:
Cock Size:  17cm
Role:  Submissive
Date of birth:  November 2000
Height:  178cm
Nationality:  Spanish

Bosco won't be your slut unless you know how to give him a deserved spanking! After that you will need to make sure that he's unmobilized and ready to use him! A twink with a manly face but enough feminine to be your hoe!
Bosco Soto Updates

DVD: Anal Slaves Bosco Soto , Craig Kennedy
94 min of video
Silas Rise Again Alex Emilion , Bosco Soto
99 min of video
Bosco on the milker, he'll cum even if he doesn't want to! Bosco Soto , Scott Miller
9 Photos, 13 min of video
Scott has Bosco in a sleep sack for more torment! Bosco Soto , Scott Miller
13 Photos, 19 min of video
Bosco gets more training before being released Bosco Soto , Silas Rise
10 Photos, 15 min of video
Bosco's Spanked and Fucked into submission Bosco Soto , Silas Rise
19 Photos, 18 min of video