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MODELS / Josh Milk

Avg Rating: 3.0

Josh Milk Vital Stats:
Cock Size:  7.1" / 18 cm
Role:  Dominant
Date of birth:  08 - 09 - 1990
Height:  5'8" / 173 cm
Nationality:  Spanish

Josh Milk has long since carved a reputation for himself as a hard-hitting, uncompromising porn star who loves to fuck hard at any opportunity. Indeed, this handsome young Spaniard has become incredibly popular - with fans and fellow models alike - as a result. But fucking the horny little twinks that come is way isn't the limit to his pleasures, it has to be said. In fact, one aspect of dominating hot youngsters that pleases him more than anything is being able to piss on them. That, and fisting the little subs without a flinch of compassion!
Josh Milk Updates

Fisting Wrecked Holes James Oakleigh , Jordan Fit
124 min of video
Appropriated And Used - Scene 2 Jordan Fit , Josh Milk
10 Photos, 19 min of video
Appropriated And Used - Scene 1 Jordan Fit , Josh Milk
12 Photos, 23 min of video
One Cute Twink - Scene 2 James Oakleigh , Jordan Fit
13 Photos, 31 min of video
One Cute Twink - Scene 1 James Oakleigh , Jordan Fit
17 Photos, 25 min of video