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MODELS / Jerome James

Avg Rating: 5.0

Jerome James Vital Stats:
Cock Size:  7" / 17.5 cm
Role:  Submisive
Date of birth:  27 - 09 - 1995
Height:  5'8" / 173 cm
Nationality:  French

This horny French fucker eats, lives and breathes sex – and it fucking shows. Whether he’s banging the living daylights out of a horny co-star, or taking it up the arse himself like a true bitch, he’s only really happy if he’s stark bollock naked and enjoying the pleasures that only carnality can bring. What’s more, he’s more than happy to notch things up a degree or two when it comes to enjoying wild, dirty, raw fornication – a trait that becomes more than a just little apparent on this site, as he pushes both himself and his horny buddies to the limit time and time again!
Jerome James Updates

Daddys Twinks - Scene 2 Connor Rex , Dani Robles
15 Photos, 20 min of video
Daddy's Twinks - Scene 1 Dani Robles , Jerome James
15 Photos, 23 min of video